How coding and robotics could help students? 

Problem-solving: Sphero BOLT is an app-enabled robot designed for kids to help them to complete a number of tasks. The robot has a built-in LED matrix with speed and directional sensors which helps students in problem-solving. 

Visual programming: LEGO building system helps students to know more about mechanical creation. It is enabled with drag-and-drop visual coding which controls their robots by LEGO SPIKE Prime software. BOLT too is supplemented by a visual Scratch programming system.

Teamwork: Working with a robotics system teaches how to work in a team. Schools that are running robotic clubs allow students to work in a team and they create a bot to compete in STEM competitions. 

VEX robotics: The course VEX robotics teaches students to use sensors, and collect information for their robots, and motors. With these, they can make moving parts of robots such as claws and wheels.

Autonomous robotics: Autonomous robots or delivery bots or self-driving cars are examples of robots that work using sensors. Under the autonomous robotics course, students will learn details such as: Analog circuits: With it, students can learn Power, analog, polarity, resistance, and digital. 

Robots can Teach Academic Skills: Coding also teaches those academic skills. The curriculum requires students to demonstrate the ability to plan, identify audiences, research sources, use inquiry questions, communicate information and evaluate success in all subject matters.

Prepair them for the future: It is no secret that jobs in the STEM field are the fastest-growing careers and are projected to grow another 17% in the coming years. Industries such as the drone industry have grown dramatically and rapidly in the last couple of years. 

Robots can Support Special Education: Coding is also a great equalizer as well. We recognize that all students learn differently. Our students that find school hard have coding available to them for support. 

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