How Can an Average Student Become a Topper?

Proper Discipline and Good Attitude -  There is a very fine line between a topper and an average student. With proper discipline and a good attitude, the line can be broken. 

Stay focused -  What the toppers do is cut all the distractions from their life and focus only on their studies. Try doing this and you will see a huge difference. 

A good approach towards studies -  Toppers don’t make studies their burden, they do it as if it is a daily habit. 

Curiosity -  Curiosity is a major trait of a topper. They are always curious to learn and explore new things. 

Discipline -  Try to be disciplined. Don’t leave things for tomorrow. Set a goal and try to achieve it no matter what. 

Start studying early -  A topper always starts studying early so that by the time exams are near, they have finished their syllabus, revised, and practiced. 

Seek guidance and clear your doubts -  Students are afraid to ask for help and seek guidance. Toppers don’t feel that way. 

Practice and revise - Practice and revision are very important in order to do well in your exams. By doing so, you solidify your foundation and memorize better. 

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