Here are 7 tips to Succeed on the Bar Exam

Prepare Your Family and Friends for the Demands of Bar Exam Preparation Make sure your family, significant other (or those you live with), and friends understand the significance of the bar exam and the demands exam preparation will have on your time. 

Enroll in Commercial Bar  Review Course Future esquires should seriously consider taking a commercial bar review course to prepare for the bar exam. The bar exam is not like other exams you took in law school. The study materials you used for law school exams will not be helpful in preparing for the bar exam. 

Treat Bar Exam Preparation Like a Job The best way to prepare for the bar exam is to treat preparation like a full-time job. You should aim to devote at least eight hours each day to studying. Most bar review courses hold review sessions from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

Vary Your Study Method In addition to the assignments offered by a bar review course, future esquires should use other tools to aid their study efforts, such as commercial flashcards, videos, and commercial outlines.

Solicit Feedback on Practice Question When preparing for the bar exam, it is important to use every resource available to you to improve your chances of success. One of the most valuable tools at your disposal is feedback from someone who has experience with evaluating and grading bar exam essays and practice questions.

Be Flexible with Your Routine While it is important to establish a consistent study routine at the outset of bar exam preparation, recognize when it is necessary to be flexible with your preparation approach. For example, many successful bar exam takers regret blindly following everything on their bar review course schedule and “to do lists.”

Practice Healthy Habit Perhaps the most beneficial and crucial step a future esquire can take toward passing the bar exam is to maintain healthy habits during bar exam preparation. Staying healthy during bar exam preparation does not just equate to successful performance on practice questions and practice essay

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