Hacks You Must Know to Clear CA Final

Practice Manual should be in your Tip 

Your seniors many times advised you to read PM as ICAI has a tendency to ask questions from the Practice Manual directly. 

Don’t rush for Many Books

You might have seen, some students create a mountain of books in their room and remain confused very time from where to study. They often try to complete all the books gather from all the sources but this cannot give you a good result. 

Prioritize the Topics 

Everything is important in the CA Papers. It’s hard to identify what to skip and what not. But trust me, it’s hardly impossible to complete everything unless you are a genius. 

Prepare Summary Notes 

It is one of the best CA final self-studies, Nothing could be better than your own handwritten notes to revise on the day preparation left. It is not even possible to revise the whole study material or the whole PM in a single day. 

Health is Wealth 

This Study tip is applicable to every student in this world. I have seen plenty of students who start skipping meals to stay awake to study. But never ever commit such a mistake. You have to take the proper diet including more and more fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Stay Updated with the Amendments 

ICAI always wants you to be updated. So, keep yourself updated with the latest laws, sections, and provisions. ICAI has a tendency to cover a good part of the paper from the amendments only. 

Cover the case laws relevant to your Attempt 

Actually, marks are given on the basis of the relevant provisions and the conclusion of the case law. So, a study tip for ca final from my side on case laws is that if you are also struggling with learning the names of case laws then skip it and focus on its conclusion. 

Present your Answer Properly 

You have to present your answer properly which is complete in every manner. This is not B.Com where you will get marks by filling in the copies. In CA exams, the length of the answer is not important, relevancy is more important. 

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