10 Great Progressive Colleges in the World

Known for its alternative, self-directed education model that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies and independent projects. 

Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts, USA): 

– Known for its interdisciplinary curriculum and emphasis on experiential learning. – Offers programs that encourage students to explore connections between different fields of study.

Evergreen State College (Olympia, Washington, USA): 

Comprised of several schools and colleges, including the renowned Parsons School of Design. 

The New School (New York City, New York, USA): 

A unique, all-male college where students participate in a rigorous work-study program on a remote cattle ranch. 

Deep Springs College (Deep Springs, California, USA): 

Known for its low-residency, individualized education model that allows students to design their own learning plans. 

Goddard College (Plainfield, Vermont, USA): 

– Integrates contemplative practices and mindfulness into its curriculum. – Known for its programs in psychology, writing, and the arts with a focus on personal and societal transformation.

Naropa University (Boulder, Colorado, USA): 

– Offers programs in ecology, sustainability, and holistic science. – Focuses on experiential learning, ecological thinking, and transformative education.

Schumacher College (Dartington, Devon, United Kingdom): 

Integrates Transcendental Meditation and consciousness-based education into its curriculum. 

Maharishi University of Management (Fairfield, Iowa, USA): 

– Dedicated to sustainable architecture and construction using earth-based materials. – Offers training programs and workshops on sustainable building techniques.

Auroville Earth Institute (Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India): 

– Offers distance education programs that allow flexible learning opportunities. – Known for its inclusivity, accessibility, and commitment to lifelong learning.

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (Madrid, Spain): 

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