Government Jobs for Architects in India 2023 

Public Works Department (PWD):  PWDs at both the state and central levels often hire architects to design and supervise construction projects. 

Urban Development Authorities:  City and state-level urban development authorities hire architects to work on urban planning, housing projects, and infrastructure development. 

Central Public Works Department (CPWD):  The CPWD is responsible for the construction and maintenance of government buildings and infrastructure at the central level. 

Indian Railways:  The Indian Railways may require architects for station redevelopment projects, designing railway stations, and other infrastructure related to rail transportation. 

Archaeological Survey of India (ASI):  ASI often employs architects for the conservation and restoration of historical monuments and archaeological sites. 

State Housing Boards and Development Authority:  These agencies manage housing projects and urban development at the state level and frequently hire architects for various roles. 

National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC):  NBCC is a central government-owned construction company that hires architects for project management and design roles. 

Teaching and Research Institutes:  Various government universities and institutions offer teaching and research positions for architects. 

State and Central Government Ministries:  Some ministries, such as the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, may have architect positions for policy development and project management. 

Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs):  Some PSUs in construction and infrastructure sectors like NBCC, IRCON, and others may also offer job opportunities for architects. 

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