GATE vs. JEE-Is GATE Tougher Than JEE?

IT JEE syllabus is based on the syllabus of classes 11 and 12. It is usually easy for the students who study science to crack JEE. Tossing to another side, GATE does not have a streamlined syllabus. Generally, it has way more in syllabus than the usual college courses. 

JEE is based on the same syllabus, while in GATE, candidates can freely choose between several subjects/papers. JEE is a pet exam for almost all the students in the non-medical or science branch.

the competition for JEE is higher than GATE. But less competition for GATE exams does not make it less hustling or easier. It is so because, if a candidate fails to secure a rank with the top 1000.

While taking admission through JEE only the rank is considered. However, through GATE, no rank but a GATE score is the choosing criteria, which tends to be quite tricky. Furthermore, different IITs and other institutes might have their own exam and personal interview rounds besides the scorecard/rank. 

GATE is a true honest exam which test a CSE student his CS skills and a chemical engineering student his chemistry skill ( unlike JEE ) so to be brutally frank , JEE doesn't match the level of GATE .  

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