5 Ways to Care For Your Mental Health While Job Searching 

Maintain a Routine:   Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and stability during the job search process. Searching for job vacancies, networking, updating your resume and cover letter.


Practice Self-Compassion Job searching can be accompanied by feelings of rejection, frustration, and self-doubt.  


Stay Connected:   Maintain connections with friends, family, and supportive individuals in your network during the job search. Reach out to mentors, former colleagues, or career advisors for advice, encouragement, and networking opportunities.  


Manage Stress:   Practice stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation to calm your mind and body.


Set Realistic Expectations:   Set realistic expectations for yourself during the job search process. Understand that finding the right job may take time, and it's normal to experience periods of uncertainty or rejection.   


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