Finalize Your College List With These 8 Expert Tips

Don't worry about a “magic  number - Your college list is set “when you feel comfortable and confident that each school fits your criteria,” 

Reasonably expected to get into the colleges and universities on your list -  Compare your grades and test scores with the most recent average admitted student's stats. If your numbers fall into that range, it's a good sign the school belongs on your final list. 

Search with an open mind -  It’s easy for teens to get hooked on the idea of a college they’ve heard of for some reason to encourage your child to start the search with an open mind. 

Keeping track -  Being organized can reduce stress levels for your teen and your family in two ways: it helps your teen keep track of all their research and it allows families to compartmentalize the college search process a bit. 

Categorize by match -  It’s important to categorize the schools on your teen’s college list in terms of his or her grade-point average (or GPA) and test scores.  

Prioritize by fit -  A college may be a good match but a poor fit — and this is something only the student himself can decide. 

Remember that life happens -  Don't be afraid to tweak your final college list.  it’s fine to add or subtract from your list. Just make sure you’re applying to colleges that fit the criteria above and will help you reach your goals. 

Talk about money -  if a school offers minimal financial aid, or if it is across the country and your family budget makes airfare prohibitive. Having these discussions before a student’s list is finalized will prevent wasted effort now and disappointment later on. 

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