10 Most Flexible Programs for Adult College Students

Online Programs:  Many universities offer online degree programs that allow adult students to complete their coursework remotely, at their own pace and schedule. 

Focus on Time Management -  Time management goes hand-in-hand with learning to say no. College students often take on ambitious side hustles or major projects without considering how much time they'll take. 

Accelerated Degree Programs:  Accelerated programs allow adult learners to earn their degree in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional programs. 

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Programs:  PLA programs evaluate and give credit for the knowledge and skills that adult students have gained through work experience, military training, or independent study.  

Competency-Based Education (CBE) Programs:  CBE programs focus on demonstrating mastery of specific competencies rather than completing a certain number of credit hours.  

Flexible Scheduling Options:  Some colleges and universities offer flexible scheduling options, such as modular or self-paced courses. These allow adult students to choose when they start and finish individual courses within a broader academic term.

Hybrid Programs:  Hybrid programs combine online and in-person learning, providing flexibility while still offering some face-to-face interaction. This format can be particularly useful for adult students who prefer a blended learning experience.

 Credit for Experiential Learning:  Some institutions offer programs that grant credit for experiential learning, such as internships, co-op programs, or professional certifications. Adult learners can gain credit while simultaneously gaining practical experience.

Degree Completion Programs:  These programs are designed specifically for adult students who have already completed some college credits but never finished their degree. 

Open University Programs:  Open universities provide opportunities for adult learners to enroll in individual courses or pursue a degree without formal admission requirements. These programs offer maximum flexibility and allow students to study at their own pace.

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