Explore Your Career Interests With These 5 Powerful Strategies

Develop your self-awareness -  Self-awareness is essential to career satisfaction. This involves taking a good look at yourself – your personality, values, skills, motivations, and interests – so that you can understand what you like. It can help you identify your ideal career or find ways to improve your current job. 

Explore Your Options -  Before you can begin working on your career development, it helps to know your options. It's also a good idea to reflect on your own particular strengths and weaknesses so you can identify what to work on as you prepare for your personal career path.

Get a mentor -  Your boss can also be an ideal mentor as they should be able to show you what you need to learn to grow in your current and future roles. They can help you manage your career in your current company. 

Set goals -  Once you've explored your options and found a mentor, you should have enough information to be able to set specific, measurable goals that will help you develop your career. will help you 

Create a plan -  Creating a plan for your career development provides the structure you need to achieve your goals. Without a plan, you can feel hopeless and have no yardstick by which to measure your progress. 

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