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8 English Words Derived From Sanskrit

Bandana - बन्धन (bandhana) -  A type of cloth used as a head covering or worn around the neck, often for practical or decorative purposes. 

Yoga - योग (yoga) -  A physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India. 

Karma - कर्म (karma) -  The concept of the sum of a person's actions and their consequences, affecting their future experiences. 

Guru - गुरु (guru) -  A spiritual teacher or mentor, someone who imparts wisdom and knowledge. 

Mantra - मंत्र (mantra) -  A sacred word, sound, or phrase used in meditation or as a spiritual tool. 

Nirvana - निर्वाण (nirvāṇa) -  A state of enlightenment, freedom from suffering, and the cycle of rebirth in Buddhism and Hinduism. 

Avatar - अवतार (avatāra) -  A manifestation or incarnation of a deity, often referring to a divine being taking on a human form. 

Dharma - धर्म (dharma) -  The moral and ethical principles that govern one's behavior and duties in Hinduism and Buddhism. 

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