8 Top Sustainable Cities for Indian Students 

Copenhagen aims to be the world’s first carbon-neutral capital by 2025 and is making good progress. 

Copenhagen, Denmark 

The city is relatively pedestrian friendly and has the highest rate of biking to work of any US city. 

Portland, Oregon 

With a dense and growing population, Singapore’s waste is on the rise, meaning the compact city-state’s only landfill site Semakau is set to fill up by 2035. 


For eco-friendly shopping head to LX Factory, a creative hub housing upcycled fashion boutiques, vegan footwear brands, and sustainable homeware stores. 

Lisbon, Portugal 

Bengaluru – India’s answer to Silicon Valley – is the joint most congested city in the world (tying with Manilla), and while tech company commuters contribute to the traffic. 

Bengaluru, India 

With forests, mountains, and beaches all within reach, Vancouver has plenty of incentive to do its bit for the planet. 

Vancouver, Canada 

Slovenia is known for its pristine countryside – but even its capital offers visitors a breath of fresh air. 

Ljubljana, Slovenia 

San Francisco was the first city in the US to ban plastic bags, and plastic straws and utensils have been outlawed since July 2019. 

San Francisco, California