8 Study Break Ideas to Boost Learning 

Get up and move around. A quick walk around the block can help to refresh your mind and give you a boost of energy.

Take a Walk 

Practice Mindfulness  

 Take a few minutes to practice some mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation. This can help to reduce stress and improve focus.

Listening to music can help to boost mood and motivation. Choose music that is instrumental or has minimal lyrics to avoid distraction.

Listen to Music 

Do Some Stretching  

 Stretching can help to release muscle tension and improve circulation, which can help to boost energy and focus.

Eating a healthy snack, such as fruit or nuts, can help to provide a quick burst of energy and help to maintain focus.

Grab a Snack  

Taking a short break to chat with a friend or colleague can help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Connect with Friends 

Play a Game

 Engage in a quick game or puzzle, such as a crossword or Sudoku, to help improve cognitive function and give your brain a workout.

 A short 20-30 minute nap can help to improve memory consolidation and boost alertness. Make sure to set an alarm to avoid oversleeping.

Take a Power Nap  

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