8 Scholarships For IT Students Abroad 2023 

Fulbright Scholarships  The Fulbright Program offers scholarships for international students to study in the United States and for U.S. citizens to study abroad. It covers various fields, including IT and computer science. 

Government Scholarships  Many governments offer scholarships to support their citizens' education abroad. Check with your country's education ministry or relevant government agency for available opportunities. 

University Scholarships Universities worldwide often provide scholarships to attract talented international students. Research universities and programs that offer IT-related degrees and explore their scholarship options. 

Private Sector Scholarships  Tech companies, especially major players in the industry, occasionally offer scholarships to students pursuing IT-related degrees. Keep an eye on opportunities from companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, and others. 

Professional Associations  IT-related professional organizations often offer scholarships to students studying in their field. Examples include the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 

Nonprofit Organizations Some nonprofit organizations focus on promoting education in STEM fields, including IT. Look for organizations that align with your career goals and check if they offer scholarships. 

Foundation Scholarships Various foundations support international students pursuing higher education. Research foundations in your field or region that may offer scholarships for IT students abroad. 

Online Scholarship Databases  Utilize scholarship search engines and databases, such as Fastweb, Scholarship.com, or ScholarshipPortal. These platforms can help you find scholarships tailored to your needs. 

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