8 Interview Mistakes to Guarantee You Won’t Get the Job

Skip Your Homework Before the Job Interview -  Before your interview, do your homework. Research the company and re-read the job posting. The interviewers will want to know why you want to work for them. 

Neglect to Prep for the  Interview -  Although you won’t know exactly what you’ll be asked, you can prepare answers for common job interview questions ahead of time so you don’t freeze up during the interview. 

Arrive Late to Interview –  When you arrive late for a job interview, it immediately sends some red flags to the interviewer. It shows that you do not value the time of others as much as you value your own time.

Dress Inappropriately -  The way you dress in an interview speaks to your professionalism. It’s important to present a groomed appearance, even if the dress code of this workplace is more casual.

Forget to Bring the Appropriate Materials -  You should always bring copies of your resume with you, even if the interviewers have already printed their own copies. 

Project Negative Energy During the Job Interview -  If your energy is too low, it looks like you don’t have a positive attitude, or that you aren’t enthusiastic about the job. Too much energy can come across as fake or inauthentic. 

Talk too Much About Yourself - The job interview is a great way for the employer to get to know you. But they don’t need to know everything about you. 

Badmouth Former Employers - You may not care for your current or former boss, but don’t speak badly of them in a job interview. It doesn't make them look bad.

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