8 Fascinating Indian Laws You Probably Didn’t Know 

As absurd as it sounds, you may end up in jail for flying kites! As per the Indian Aircraft Act, a person can be prisoned for two years or charged a fine of up to Rs.10 lacs. 

The Indian Penal Code prohibits obscene acts in public. You can’t say, sing or do anything obscene out in the open. Now, what’s obscene?  

Section 497 prohibits adultery. One can’t engage in sexual intercourse with a married woman, without the consent of her husband. 

As per the Indian treasure-trove Act, if one discovers anything of value—exceeding Rs.10—hidden under the soil, then one must report it. 

Despite being one of the world’s richest nations with loadsa potential for development, India lies behind in modernity because it still hasn’t legalised same-sex marriages across the nation. 

One can use the restroom and drink water at any hotel whether or not one is lodging at that hotel. This law came into force 150 years ago, under the Indian Sarais Act, of 1867. 

The alcohol laws in India are somewhat ambiguous. In some states of India, the legal age for drinking is 25 years, while in others it is 18. 

An example of abuse of power is the Land Acquisition Act. Under this act, the government can appropriate any piece of land by stating that it’s doing so in the name of public welfare. 

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