8 Effective Methods to Learn Vocabulary Fast 

Flashcards:  Create flashcards with the target word on one side and its translation or definition on the other. 

Read Extensively:  Reading extensively in the target language exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary in context. 

Label Objects Around You:  Stick small labels with the target words on objects in your surroundings. 

Engage in Conversation:  Use the new vocabulary in conversations with native speakers or language partners. 

Use Vocabulary in Context:  Practice using new words in sentences or short paragraphs. 

Watch Language Learning Videos:  Many language learning platforms offer video lessons with vocabulary explanations. 

Mnemonic Devices:  Associate new words with familiar images, phrases, or concepts to make them easier to remember. 

Use Vocabulary Apps:  Utilize language learning apps like Memrise, Quizlet, or Anki, which offer ready-made vocabulary lists and interactive exercises. 

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