Do’s and Don’ts on the Important GMAT Exam Day

Sleep Adequately: -  This is better said than done. To achieve this, one should start working on setting a sleep routine at least a fortnight in advance so that your mind and body become accustomed to it. Sleep is the best way to relax your body and mind and both of these will be put to a good test on the deciding day. 

Don’t Study: -  Studying the day before the exam will do you more harm than good. Tame the mind to believe that last-day preparation won’t help on the GMAT, which tests your critical skills and those that cannot be improved in a day. In fact, conserve your energy for D-day. Instead try going for a walk in the nearby park and try to spend 1-2 hours enjoying the beauty of nature, the chirping of birds. 

Avoid Social Media: -  Spending time on social media takes away all the freshness and activeness of the mind. You feel a bit dizzy and tired and if you think, your productivity of the same is zero. Your absolute focus should be conserving your precious energy and utilizing it where it is the most required (the GMAT exam). 

Organize your Bag: -  Don’t leave this task to the final day. Make sure you put in all the necessary documents required a day before the test. 

Meditate and Sleep: -  Even if you have never tried meditation, you should do it before going to bed before the test day. Those who are not familiar with any meditation technique should sit in silence with eyes closed for at least 15 minutes watching yourself breathe and then go to bed. 

Wake up at a time so that after following your daily morning routine, you can reach the venue a minimum of 45 minutes in advance. If possible, go for a morning walk or try listening and dancing to your favorite song for at least 15 minutes as that lifts your mood and the nervous system as well. 

Dress yourself up comfortably in layers. Though it may be summer the AC might be too effective at the center leading to distraction and frequent urges to use the restroom. Have a light breakfast and not a heavy one. Keep some snacks with you to be taken during the breaks in the exam. 

Breathe in and out deeply as possible for 2 minutes just before the start of the test. It really relaxes your mind and makes it much more receptive. Even if during the exam you feel like you are not able to comprehend effectively or not pacing the test effectively 

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