कैसे पढ़ते हैं Board Exams में टॉपर रहने वाले छात्र: ज़रूर जानें ये 8 बातें

Keep your study resource

Despite a large number of materials on the market, only use the sources that are highly recommended. Numerous books by R.S. Agarwal, Arihant, and Javed Siddiqui have been recommended by previous champions of the competition.

Practice Lot 

Take as many IBPS clerk practice exams online as you can. You will gain a better knowledge of the actual exam format thanks to this. You’ll be able to pinpoint your weak areas and focus on improving them. You’ll speed up as well by taking online practice exams.

Always read things in order when preparing for exams, especially in the subject of mathematics where many themes are interrelated. You can’t understand one until you have a firm grasp of the prior subject.

Use mental calculation

since you’ll save a lot of time during the test. Recognize the roots of square and cube roots, and use mental calculations, you will be able to avoid doing rough work on paper and try the solution.

During the Examination 

Keep your answers for the English RC focused on understanding. Additionally, before attempting a response, carefully read it. It’s crucial to read each section thoroughly.

Recognize the distinction between computer aptitude and awareness and plan accordingly. Computer aptitude is centered on topics like binary to decimal and vice versa conversions, coding-decoding, etc. while the former has basic questions on computers, operating systems, etc.

In order to achieve a high score and meet the cut-off for each segment, attempt to answer as many questions as you can for each section, starting with the simple ones.If you think a question is taking too much time, skip it.

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