Do and Don't for Scoring More Than 10.0 CGPA

Do's -

Attend classes regularly:  Actively participate in lectures, take notes, and engage with the material being taught. Regular attendance will help you stay on track with the syllabus. 

Stay organized:  Keep track of deadlines, assignments, and exams. Maintain a planner or use digital tools to manage your schedule effectively. 

Prioritize studying:  Allocate dedicated study time for each subject. Create a study plan, break down topics, and review consistently to reinforce your understanding. 

Don'ts -

Procrastinate:  Avoid leaving assignments or studying until the last minute. Procrastination can lead to stress and negatively affect the quality of your work. 

Cramming:  Instead, distribute your study time over a more extended period to promote better retention and understanding. 

Neglect self-care:  Don't sacrifice your physical and mental well-being for the sake of achieving a perfect CGPA. 

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