Different Types of MBA Specialisations You Can Study in 2023 

MBA in General Management -  MBA in General Management is very popular and teaches students skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and risk management. 

MBA in Marketing -  MBAs in Marketing are a great choice if you’re interested in a managerial or administrative marketing position. 

MBA in Human Resource Management -  Popular courses during an MBA in Human Resource Management includes Organizational Behavior, Negotiation, Business Law, Managerial Finance, and others. 

MBA in Consulting -  MBAs in Consulting combines traditional business courses with classes on Business Strategy, Organisational Behaviour, Business Communication, Consulting, Negotiations, Ethics, and others. 

MBA in Entrepreneurship -  If you decide to start your own business or take charge of a family endeavor, you need to be very ambitious, persevering, and willing to take on big responsibilities. 

MBA in Finance -  If you want to study a Master of Business Administration and you enjoy working with numbers, and budgets and have great attention to detail. 

MBA in Operations Management -  MBA in Operations Management develop the student’s analytical skills and teach them how to use mathematical models and systems. 

MBA in Management Information Systems -  Management Information Systems (MIS) are used to collect, store, and organize information. 

MBA in Global Management -  The Global Management MBA (or International Management MBA) is another popular specialisation among Masters of Business Administration. 

MBA in Engineering Management -  MBA in Engineering Management teach future students how to make better business decisions while taking into account engineering concepts, practices, and systems. 

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