Course Options to Study Abroad After the 12th Commerce 

 A degree in Business Administration or Management is a common choice for commerce students. This program offers a broad understanding of various aspects of business, including marketing, finance, human resources, and operations. 

Business Administration/Management

 Economics is another popular option for commerce students who are interested in understanding how economies work, analyzing data, and making informed decisions about resource allocation. 


International Business programs focus on global markets, trade, and cross-border operations. This field is suitable for students who wish to work in multinational companies or pursue careers with an international focus. 

International Business:  

Marketing courses emphasize consumer behavior, advertising, branding, and market research. This field is ideal for students with a passion for creativity and communication. 


 For students interested in the tourism and hospitality industry, this course offers knowledge in areas like hotel management, event planning, and tourism marketing. 

Tourism and Hospitality Management

Entrepreneurship courses are designed for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to learn how to start and manage their own businesses successfully. 


 International Relations programs focus on global politics, diplomacy, and international cooperation. This field is suitable for students interested in working in the government, non-profit organizations, or international agencies. 

International Relations: 

Retail Management courses are designed to prepare students for careers in the retail sector, providing insights into retail operations, supply chain management, and customer relations. 

Retail Management:  

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