Conceptual Applications Of Physics In Everyday Life 

Alarm Clock -  Physics studies the origin, propagation, and properties of sound. It works on the concept of Quantum Mechanics. 

Steam Iron -  The foremost principle of Physics used in the steam iron is “Heat.” Heat, in Thermodynamics, is a type of energy transfer from a warmer substance to a colder one. 

Walking -  You can easily walk is just because of Physics. While you have a walk in a park or on a tar road. 

Ball Point Pen -  Had Physics not been there, you would not have able to write with a Ball Point Pen on a paper. 

Headphones/Earphones -  Because of Physics, the concept of magnetism and sound waves are involved in the science of your headphones/earphones. 

Car Seat-Belts -  In case of a car collision, your seat-belt helps prevent your body from moving in a forward direction; as your body resists being stopped because of inertia of motion. 

Camera Lens -  The Lens used in a camera works on the principle of Optics. The set of convex lenses provide the camera with an image outside of the camera. 

Cell Phones -  It works on the principle of electricity and the electromagnetic spectrum, undulating patterns of electricity and magnetism. 

Batteries -  Benjamin Franklin was the first to coin the phrase “battery” for a series of capacitors in an energy store application. 

Doppler Radar -  To check the overspending vehicles, police often use Doppler Radars. Doppler Radars work on the principle of the Doppler Effect. 

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