Chemical Reactions That Happen In Your Everyday Life


Every time we eat something, a chemical reaction is simultaneously taking place to digest it. Digestion is also a complex process, in which thousands of chemical reactions take place


Just like humans, several chemical reactions take place in plants as well, a chemical reaction called photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into plant food – glucose, and oxygen. It is one of the major chemical reactions as it leads to the generation of oxygen and provides food for both plants and animals

Detergent and Soap Reactions 

When you apply detergent or soap, the chemical reaction is responsible for emulsifying grease and lowering surface tension, so that you can easily remove the dirt.

Aerobic Cellular Respiration 

Aerobic respiration creates a chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose to form water and chemical energy in the form of ATP, adenosine triphosphate.

Anaerobic Cellular Respiration

Anaerobic respiration mainly occurs without oxygen, it releases less energy than aerobic respiration. If anaerobic respiration takes place in microorganisms, it is known as fermentation. Bacteria and yeast use anaerobic respiration to make everyday products like vinegar, wine, yogurt, cheese, bread, and beer.

Acid-Base Reactions 

Acid-Base reactions usually occur when you mix an acid  with any base like ammonia, baking soda, and lye. The best example of this is the reaction between vinegar and baking soda to form water, sodium acetate, and carbon dioxide gas.


Rusting is the process of oxidation, which is the result of a reaction that takes place because of oxygen. It gives a flaky brown layer that gathers over iron surfaces, this layer is formed due to the oxidization of the topmost layer, leading to the formation of metal oxide.

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