Check Out The 6 Common Traits of JEE Toppers

Equal importance to all subjects -  One of the most prominent habits of topper students is that they make a productive study schedule by allocating equal time for all 3 subjects.

Practice previous year's question papers regularly -  If you ask for the daily routine of toppers, almost all of them will recommend you practice the previous year’s papers and test questions thoroughly.

Clear all your doubts -  Clearing all your doubts regularly is one of the most recommended habits of topper students.

Smart work and strategic planning is the key -  Follow your teachers’ advice, strategically plan your study schedule, analyze your weak areas/topics, and devote more time to them.

Manage your time proper -  Time management was an important aspect of the daily routine of toppers.

Take regular breaks -  Refreshing breaks have been a part of the daily routine of toppers as far as they can remember.

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