Cheapest Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students 

Norway - Norway has a reputation for great colleges and universities providing high-quality education. This makes it a dream destination for Indian students and puts it at the top of the list.

Switzerland – A country with fairy-tale-like landscapes, peaceful mountains, and crystal-clear lakes, Switzerland is also surprisingly one of the cheapest places to study abroad.

Denmark -  Denmark is ranked as one of the world’s most promising education destinations for international students. 

Belgium - Being the political hub, it is home to the EU and NATO. Graduating from a university in Belgium will elevate your chances of securing international job opportunities.

Italy - With countryside beauty, cultural legacy, rich heritage, and magnificent cuisine, Italy is truly a dream destination for students looking to study abroad.

Spain - Spain welcomes thousands of international students each year because of the high-quality education it offers at a comparatively low cost.

Germany -  This great nation is known for its world-class universities and, surprisingly, is one of the cheapest countries to study for Indian students compared to the quality of education it offers. 

Poland - Poland is home to some of the oldest universities in the world. The country has a beautiful culture and friendly people, which makes it an attractive destination for international students.

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