Career Opportunities After Doing Bachelor's in English 

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner
Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Lecturer If you like to interact with people, have a flair for teaching and sharing knowledge with others, and are patient, becoming a professor in a college or even school may be the right option for you.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Magazine or newspaper editor -  Becoming an editor of a magazine or a newspaper is a big thing. You will be deciding and editing the content of the same and will be heading the team of all those creative people, who will be helping you build a brand.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

PR A PR (public relations) professional has to interact with lots of clients and should possess good convincing skills. People with an English degree, are often known to have good communication skills which may help them in carrying out a good conversation with people and convincing them.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Anchor -  Possessing strong communication skills as well as intellectual ability may land you a job in the anchoring world. Be it news reading, product anchoring, or entertainment news hosting, all these options offer lucrative salaries and exciting opportunities.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Copywriter -  If you have a creative mind and love to use the same to turn words into something eye-catching, you may try your luck as a copywriter in an advertising agency. From creating slogans, catchphrases, scripts for ads, and straplines for printed adverts, you will never get bored with your tasks

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Social service Social service organizations and NGOs look for those candidates who have verbal communication and writing skills, and a passion to help the underprivileged of society. The volunteers also have to go and talk to people and spread awareness and write blogs regarding what they are doing and why.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Writer -  You may write novels, books, poems, plays, or scripts for movies and theatre if you love to jot down your ideas.

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Librarian A job where you can indulge in reading uncountable books without purchasing them and where you would get paid for taking care of them-- sounds too good to be true?

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