Best Note-Taking Methods for College Students 

The Cornell Method -  Write all the keywords you’ll hear during a lecture in the left column, while the right side is reserved for a more thorough explanation or information regarding those keywords. 

The Outline Method -  Probably the easiest and most common note-taking technique for college students, the Outline Method involves picking four or five key points covered in a lecture. 

The Charting Method -  Similar to the Cornell Method, the Charting Method uses columns to organize key points and additional details. 

The Map Method -  If you’re a visual learner, this is the note-taking method for you! The Map Method helps you organize your notes by dividing them into branches. 

The Boxing Method -  Using this technique, all information related to one specific subject is grouped together in one box, cutting down the time needed for reading and reviewing. 

The Sentence Method -  The technique requires you to simply jot down everything that’s being discussed to the best of your ability. 

The Flow Notes Method - For students who love integrating drawings into their notes for aesthetic or other purposes, the Flow Notes Method might be the most effective note-taking technique to use. 

The Structured Analysis Method -  In subjects where analysis and thorough explanation are important, you might find the Structured Analysis Method is the ideal note-taking method for you. 

The Writing on Slides Method -  This is where the Writing on Slides Method is most effective. The slides provided by your professors will give you a leg up for the outlining process. 

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