9 Best HTML/CSS Books for Beginners & Advanced 

This book is perfect for beginners as it provides a visually rich introduction to HTML and CSS with easy-to-follow examples. 

"HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites" by Jon Duckett:

This comprehensive guide covers CSS from basic to advanced concepts, making it suitable for both beginners and those with some prior knowledge. 

"CSS: The Missing Manual" by David Sawyer McFarland:

This book offers a complete introduction to HTML5 and CSS3, making it suitable for beginners who want to learn both technologies together. 

"HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies" by Andy Harris and Chris Minnick:

For more advanced learners, this book explores creative solutions and techniques to solve common CSS design challenges. 

"CSS Secrets: Better Solutions to Everyday Web Design Problems" by Lea Verou:

This book dives deep into CSS techniques and best practices, making it ideal for intermediate to advanced learners looking to enhance their CSS skills. 

"CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions" by Simon Collison:

This book provides a practical guide to HTML5, covering its new features and how to use them effectively. 

"HTML5: Up and Running" by Mark Pilgrim:

Considered a classic in the CSS field, this book is an in-depth resource for advanced CSS techniques, layout strategies, and browser compatibility. 

"CSS: The Definitive Guide" by Eric Meyer and Estelle Weyl:

This beginner-friendly book uses a visually engaging and interactive approach to teach HTML and CSS concepts. 

"Head First HTML and CSS" by Elisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman:

Focusing on responsive web design, this book explores how to create websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. 

"Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3" by Ben Frain:

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