Top 8 Career Options For B.Sc. Students 

Researcher As a researcher, you will constantly look for new information, new discoveries, new theories, and ways to validate existing ones. 

Actuary:  Actuaries assess and manage financial risks, particularly in insurance and pension industries. They use mathematical and statistical methods to analyze potential risks and help companies plan for the future. 

IT Consultant To become an IT consultant, you will need to major in computer science. This will give you the necessary theoretical knowledge to back your knack for computers. 

Statistician Statisticians collect, analyze, and interpret numerical data to solve real-world problems. They work in diverse fields like healthcare, market research, government, and sports analytics. 

Technical Writers/Editors -  if you have a flair for writing and an inherent interest in science, you can write about science! As a technical writer, you will write instruction manuals, journal articles, etc. 

Animators If you've always been into cartoons - not just because they're fun, but because the science behind them fascinates you - you can pursue it through your BSc. And you can make a career in animation. 

Biostatistician While doctors are the heroes we meet, biostatisticians are the heroes behind the scenes. To become this behind-the-scenes hero, you would need to pursue a BSc with a major in both Biology and Mathematics.   

Government Officer - If you want to serve your country, then you can prepare for government job after B.Sc. You only need a bachelor's degree for most of the government exams. 

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