Best Advice to Avoid Silly Mistakes in UPSC Prelims

Take your time to read the questions and options carefully. Misreading or misinterpreting a question can lead to mistakes.

Read Carefully:

Nervousness can lead to hurried decisions and mistakes. Stay calm and composed during the exam to make more accurate choices.

Stay Calm:

 Use the process of elimination for multiple-choice questions. Rule out options that are clearly incorrect, and then focus on selecting the best choice from the remaining options.

Elimination Technique:

Don't assume information that is not provided in the question. Base your answer solely on the information given.

Don't Assume:

 Sometimes, the correct answer is straightforward. Avoid overthinking or trying to find hidden complexities where there are none.

Don't Overthink:

 If time permits, go back and review your answers before submitting. This can help catch any mistakes you might have made in a rush.


 If you have a proven strategy for solving questions, stick to it. Avoid trying new techniques on the exam day that might increase the likelihood of errors.

Stick to Your Strategy:

Understand the marking scheme, especially for negative marking. If there's a penalty for wrong answers, be cautious about guessing unless you can narrow down the options.

Marking Scheme Awareness:

 Maintain your concentration throughout the exam. Fatigue or lack of focus can lead to careless mistakes.

Maintain Focus:

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