Awesome Tips To Help Ease Your Child Back Into School Mode


Know Your Options :

Most of the schools offer parents several choices. They can send their children to school, keep their children at home, resort to virtual school, or go for the third arrangement, combining the two. What option will you go for? Which one feels right for you? ‍


Send Your Child to School? 

Scrutinise the choices. Consider the pros and cons. Go over the advantages of sending your children back to school. The best one is that classroom learning is still better than having the children learn from home.  ‍


Keep Your Child at Home? 

If you think sending your children back to school is risky, then discuss virtual classrooms from home. As long as your little ones have someone to supervise them at home—you, perhaps, or someone else in your family?.


Talk to Your Children 

It’s going to be a tough one this year. There are so many changes; it might often feel like you’re drowning under so many things to adjust to or remember. Even when it feels overwhelming, though, make an effort to talk to your children.


Encourage Friendships 

Whether you’re sending your children to school or you’re opting for virtual classes, it would be best if you encourage your children to stay connected with their friends and classmates. Connections help at this time.


Bring It Up 

Mention the fact that school is coming up. Do this a few weeks in advance. The sooner you get the idea into their heads, the sooner they’ll be mentally ready. Talk about the academic year, the events that your children can look forward to.


Get Back into the Routine 

If your children sleep later than usual, then you’ll need to get them used to sleeping early and waking up early for school. Start getting them to bed earlier. That way, by the time classes start, their biological clocks would have already adjusted.


Normalise Wearing a Mask 

Some children have no trouble wearing a mask. But do your children find masks troublesome? However, just forcing your children to wear masks isn’t going to do it.


Help Your Children Cope 

Are your children afraid? One way to help them cope is to make sure you are also showing them healthy coping behaviour. Try not to be stressed around them. Learn healthy ways to cope with the pandemic, and they’ll follow your lead.

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