All About US Computer Science Degree Programs 

What is Computer Science -  Computer science typically appeals to students who excel at logical and critical thinking and problem solving, and who thrive in an environment that constantly encourages these things. 

Academics and Research -  If academic renown and cutting-edge research are an international student's primary concern, locations with active and well-funded institutions will be the best options for studying computer science 

Popular Cities for Computer Science in the US -  While computer science degrees have available applications in nearly every city in the United States, there are some locations that are considered computer science and technology hubs. 

Top Schools for Computer Science -  Computer science programs in the US are so well-regarded that, according to US News and World Report, seven out of the ten best schools for computer science in the world are located in the United States. 

Undergraduate Degree in Computer Science -  International students who want to pursue an undergraduate degree in computer science will have to establish their own personalized criteria to decide between the many highly regarded and highly funded computer science programs. 

Graduate Degree in Computer Science -  Those students who go the extra step and attain a computer science master's degree or other higher level degree in computer science, however, will have an even greater advantage in the job market. 

Study Mobile Development -  The near universal presence of smartphones, the ease with which one can develop for smartphone platforms, and the saleability of developed applications makes mobile development a lucrative field for international students in the United States. 

Careers in Computer Science -  Computer science jobs are in high demand in every industry. Additionally, the high standing of computer science schools in the US has led to increased funding for these computer science departments. 

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