A Comprehensive Guide to Career Options in Commerce 

If you’re analytical, carry exceptional reasoning skills, and are accurate with numbers, then accountancy may be your calling.  

Chartered Accountant (CA) 

Investment banking has been among the sought-after careers for ages. This work type is high-risk and demanding in terms of time commitment. 

Investment Banker 

If you have a knack for mathematics, statistics, and business management, you can easily enter this field and create value in the business world. 


As a cost accountant, your job will entail but not be limited to responsibilities such as profitability analysis, coordinating physical inventory counts, and so on. 

Cost Accountant 

Personal Financial Advisors are financial experts who help their clients with their short-term and long-term financial goals. 

Personal Financial Advisor 

A company secretary’s work can include important tasks such as advising the board to facilitate legal, statutory, and regulatory requirements, filing company tax returns, and so on. 

Company Secretary (CS) 

One can aspire to become a research analyst in operations, economics, finance, and equity, amongst others. 

Research Analyst 

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