9 Ways to Calm Your Job Interview Nerve 

Prepare yourself 

Before going to the interview, research the company, practice answers to common interview questions, take a mock interview with a friend and keep your resume and notes ready. 

Plan your day around the interview 

If you follow your schedule then arrange for your job interview to be held in the morning, so that you don't get stressed and wait for it all day. The night before, make sure you get plenty of sleep so you can stay alert. 

Eat breakfast  

Eat a good breakfast before your interview so you have the energy you need. Being hungry can add to your worry and stress. Choose one of your favorite foods to help with your mood. 

Talk to a family member or friend  

Talking to a cheerful friend or family member can greatly boost your confidence level. It’s easier to listen to someone else’s positive words than it is your own, and hearing compliments from a loved one can ease nervousness. 

Take a walk 

Being outside is good for your mental health, and exercise releases positive neurochemicals. Try Taking a 15 Minute Walk Before Your Job Interview 

Try the STOP method 

Stop what you are doing and focus on what you are thinking. Take as many deep breaths as you need. See what is happening inside your body. watch your feelings, 

Focus on your breathing and pause before you speak 

As many times as you can, focus on your breathing. This will help keep your mind from wandering and your emotions from spiraling. Before speaking, pause for a moment and take a breath. 

Remember you are having a conversation 

Remind yourself that a job interview is a conversation, not an inquiry. They are trying to figure out if you would be the best fit for the role, but this is also your chance to determine if the position and company would be a good fit for you.  

Show confidence in your body language 

During your interview, sit or stand with confidence. Your physical stance can affect your mind and have a calming effect. Smiling can also trick your mind into feeling happy. 

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