9 Ways College Students Can Make Their Resumes Stand Out 

Customization Is Key When It Comes to Resumes -  Customizing your resume for each specific role you apply for is an excellent way to convince a hiring manager that you have everything they need! 

Incorporate the Right Keywords -  The ATS filters through your information and reads the keywords to determine whether you’re the right fit for the company.  

Quantify Your Achievements -  It’s one thing to say that you’re fit for a job and another to demonstrate your capabilities through quantifiable examples on your resume. 

Write an Engaging Objective -  IN resume objective is a short (usually two-or-three line) statement of your career goals at the top of your file. 

Keep Your Resume Concise and Clutter-Free -  This means it’s vital to have a clear and concise resume that highlights your accomplishments perfectly. 

Make Your Resume Easy to Scan -  Your resume should be easy to read and formatted to look both modern and professional. 

Use a Resume Builder -  A resume builder is an online tool that generates a resume with your provided information in a template of your choice. 

Proofread (And Proofread Again!) -  Though it may seem like a time-consuming exercise, proofreading can mean the difference between getting an interview and getting rejected. 

Stick to a One-Page Format - A clean, well-formatted, single-page resume also shows you are organized and can summarize all your skills and achievements within a one-page limit. 

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