7 Easy Ways To Improve Your Exam Performance

Wake up nice and early :Make sure you wake up nice and early on the day of your exam. This will make sure that your morning runs smoothly, you have time to eat breakfast and aren’t rushing to get to school or college. 

Prepare :Before you leave the house, always check that you have everything you will need- ID, stationary, notes, calculator etc. This will help you be as prepared as possible for your exam and make sure there are no last minute panics. 

Check the time of your exam : The night before your exam always remember to double check what topic you’re being tested on and whether it’s taking place in the morning or afternoon. This makes sure that you turn up on time and know exactly what’s coming up! 

East a balanced breakfast : Eating a balanced breakfast on the morning of your exam will do you the world of good. Not only will it fuel your brain, it will also give you lots of energy. Bananas are always a good choice! 

Arrive in plenty of time : Head to your exam with plenty of time to spare. Allowing for unexpected events is super sensible and will make sure that you arrive on time. There really is nothing worse than being late. 

Don’t do last minute studying : It’s common for students to spend 10 minutes before an exam doing last-minute studying. This may provide some psychological comfort, but overall it does more harm than good. It’s likely to make you feel more anxious which can have a negative affect on your performance. 

Read the exam questions properly : Make sure you read every exam question carefully before starting your paper. It’s also wise to plan out how much time you are going to spend on each section and sticking to it! 

Start with the questions you can answer : The best way to approach an exam is to start by answering the questions that you feel most confident about. Come back to the trickier ones later and if you get stuck- just move on! 

Stay calm : Perhaps the most important tip of all- stay calm! Remember you’ve put the work in, so you have nothing to worry about! Hard work does pay off!

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