8 Ways to Minimize Student Loan Debt

Enroll at a community college - Attending a community college can give students time to work, save up money, earn credits, and ultimately transfer to a four-year college to earn a degree for less.

Consider attending a no-loan school -  Schools may have unique policies around financial aid and student loans. Some colleges offer students who have household incomes under certain threshold-free tuition.

Estimate college costs -  A good way to see the net price of a college, which is an estimate of the amount students will actually pay after financial aid is factored in, is to use a net price calculator.

Maximize other funding  sources -  Once students calculate their total costs, they can figure out how to cover their expenses. Grants, scholarships, and college savings plans should be used before student loans come into play, experts say.

Start a side hustle or get a part- time job - Some students and recent graduates have taken to platforms like YouTube and TikTok to earn an income that can be put toward college tuition or, down the road, pay off student loans.

Start a side hustle or get a part- time job - To offset costs and minimize borrowing, every cent put toward paying for college helps. Traditional part-time jobs are also an option for students who are able to balance work with classes.

Limit living expenses –  It can be tempting to live in an expensive off-campus apartment or eat out every night, but students hoping to avoid or reduce student loans should be frugal whenever possible.

Borrow only the required  amount – Student loans are not free money. The more you borrow, the longer it will take to pay off your debt. So borrow only the required amount.

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