8 Ways to manage your studies over Christmas break 

Plan your time -  Only you know how much you’ve got to do and the deadlines you have. Make the most of your break by planning when you want to get your work done – and sticking to it.

Create your own study space -  Whether you are returning back to your old bedroom or prefer spending time working on your kitchen table – make sure you have a proper desk or a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. 

Ask your friends and family for help -  If you need an extra set of eyes to proofread your assignment or to test you on certain questions, asking your friends or family for help is a great use of time. 

Set yourself goals -  You could set mini goals to achieve at the end of each day – or instead weekly goals. By doing so, you’ll have a clear plan of action and once you hit those self-made targets, you’ll feel amazing. 

Set up a regular time to do some studying -  Combat the problem by setting up a regular time every day or every other day when you'll get out and crack down on your organized notes and your well-planned to-do list. 

Treat yourself -  The lead-up to Christmas and the festive season itself can be a busy time, but it is so important to take breaks and to treat yourself – whether that’s by watching your favorite show, treating yourself to a festive snack or drink, or simply meeting up with friends. 

Welcome, a change of environment -   Trying to study in the house when there’s so much festivity going on isn’t the most conducive environment for productivity. Try getting out to a quieter environment, such as your local library or coffee shop, where you can really focus and have fewer distractions. 

Make studying fun and interesting –  you could even turn it into a game for yourself or create a playlist with music to help you study and stay focused. 

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