8 Tips To Study Smarter - Not Harder 

Learn to study smarter not  harder - In order to hit that optimal point of ‘stress’ in the exam all you may need to do is tweak a few things and learn to study smarter not harder. 

Find the perfect place to study -  Consider moving between a few different study spaces to reduce monotony. Think about a café, the library, or recreate the environment of the exam somewhere at home. 

Create a revision timetable and stick to it -  Set clear goals for each study session and tick them off when you’are done. Crossing something off a checklist is very satisfying. 

Be active when you're studying from a textbook -  being active means you memorize, summarize, sketch, visualize and even find someone to teach you the material. 

Practice -  This is perhaps the most important tip. You’ve got to source tests and exams from study guides or reviseonline.com and do as many as you can under exam conditions. 

Attend a revision seminar -  In addition to being an effective way to assist with the revision of a subject but it can also allow you to gain perspective. 

Give yourself a break -  Find time to exercise and spend time doing activities that are not exam related. This will keep you fresh, alert and in a positive mind-set to return to study. 

Find support -  Exam time is a difficult time so let your teachers, family and friends support you. Believe it or not, they want you to succeed. 

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