8 Tips to Make  Studying Easier

Get Organized -  Avoid last-minute cram sessions by using an agenda or calendar. Plan out a study schedule. Working backward from the test date, allow plenty of time to review all materials. 

Review with a Pen and Paper -  When reading over notes, write down all of the subject headings, subheadings, and bolded words. This will help provide a clear picture of the material. 

Ask Questions -  By starting the review early, there is plenty of time to ask the teacher questions about material that may be confusing. 

Put it in your own words -  Rather than trying to commit facts to memory, try explaining what was just read to an imaginary person without reciting from the text. 

Be efficient -  Before beginning to review a chapter identify which parts are well known. Once these are identified, students should focus on studying the material that they are least familiar with. 

Use mnemonic devices -  To remember all items or examples, write the first letter of each example and create a sentence from that acronym. 

Make jot notes - At the end of every class, students should take jot notes in the margin of their notebooks while the material is still fresh in their minds. 

Test yourself -  Chances are if any facts or details were missed during the self-test, they’ll be missed on the exam as well. Review the details that were missed until they are remembered during a self-test. 

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