8 Tips for Surviving Finals Week for the Exams 

With the proper strategy, your tests can shift from a considerable weight on your shoulders to determining if you have accomplished the results highlighted in the course syllabus.

Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate -  Without a doubt, the first tip has to be about the urge to procrastinate about studying. Procrastination is a perfectly natural inclination that seemingly illustrates the universal college experience.

Don't Be an Insomniac, Get Some Sleep! -  The research reveals that sleep enhances the mind's capacity to concentrate and performs an active role in fortifying memories, making it simpler to reclaim knowledge.

Find a Space Conducive to Studying -  If feasible, set up a particular area exclusively used for coursework and studying. The study space should accommodate a desk, a comfortable seat, proper light, and any supplies you may need to facilitate a quality study session.

Create a Playlist That Helps You Focus -  Having the appropriate music can facilitate an enjoyable and highly effective study time. There are numerous studies that underline the worth of classical music, in particular, due to its wordless melodies.

Get Rid of Distracting Devices -  For the most beneficial results, consider turning the phone off for a minimum of one hour and leaving it at a safe distance away from the desk as possible.

Don't be afraid to experiment with a mix of study methods -  A unique plan may prove more productive for one class than others, so don't be afraid to change things up if the previous study process is weak.

Write Out Practice Test  Questions -  Writing practice questions enables you to think like your professor. Practice questions will prove beneficial when it’s time for the actual final exam.

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