8 Tips for Long-Term Memorization for NEET 

Prepare notes -  Your brain quickly registers the definitions or concepts that you have written in the notebook and it is also a great way to revise before the examination. 

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Revision -  Revision is one of the most important parts of your NEET preparation journey. Make a habit of revising whatever you have studied and quiz yourself at the end of the week to check your progress. 

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Stay active -  Whenever you feel drowsy or unfocused while studying, take a brisk walk, or read out the definitions loud, so that you can start concentrating again. 

Flowchart -  Constructing a flow chart of the important topics and concepts that you have studied will help you to retain the information much longer. 

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Visualization -  It has been proven that the brain can register graphical or graphical information at a faster rate. So, watch online videos of concepts that you find complicated to get a better understanding of them. 

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Healthy diet -  There are certain types of food like almonds, blueberries, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, etc. which boost your memory power and help you to focus for a long time. 

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Practice meditation -  Meditation is practiced by millions of people around the world which helps them to find peace and focus on important tasks. 

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Stay away from distractions -  If you find yourself wasting time on anything important then cut it out from your life and focus on your studies. 

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