8 Test-Taking Strategies for Multiple Choice Exams

Read the entire question- CAREFULLY - The words used matter!! Don’t skim the question because they will lead to silly mistakes you could have probably avoided.

Eliminate what you know is wrong -  It is all about the process of elimination. If you're having trouble, cross out what you know is wrong until you are left with the final/ correct answer.

Begin with the questions you know! -  Move through the exam for the first time and answer what you know. Then come back as you go the second time and take a stab at the more challenging questions.

When there are seemingly two right answers -  Always choose what you believe to be is most correct! Pay close attention to the wording used.

The more information the better -  More often than not the right answer will hold more information than the others. This is good to know if you absolutely have to guess.

Avoid ‘never’ or ‘always’ answers -  Answers with absolute words are less likely to be the correct option; this may be a prof trying to get tricky.

Try to answer the question in your head first -  Before reading out all the options do your best to answer the question in your head and see if you find an option that matches up.

Usually best to stick with your first thought -  It is usually counterproductive to reconsider your options once you have an answer in mind. Don’t second-guess your first thought because you studied and are probably on the right track.

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