8 Steps how to encourage Students to follow their dreams?

Inspire and be a role model -  When we live our lives as a great adventure, we give our kids permission to do the same.

Encourage invention -  Innovation lives in all of us, no matter the scale. Bring out your students creativity by coming up with new inventions or improving current situations.

Change your perspective- Looking at the world in a different way can change your life. Step back, off to the side, or completely out of the box.

Let your student dream on his own- Parents can live vicariously through their children. Push this feeling away and be willing to accept whoever your student wants to be.

Challenge the status quo -  Life would never improve if we left it the way it is. Be a model of new ideas for your student. Show him you don't have to accept the way things are.

Live life as a daring adventure -  To create an environment that fosters dreaming big, we need to break out of the ruts that can consume family life.

Try new things -  Go somewhere new. See something different. Merge two totally different ideas, fields, products, artwork, foods, and so on. Don't be afraid of what you'll discover together.

Surround your student with dreamers -  Help your student embrace dreams by exposing him to other dreamers, both children, and adults.

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