8 Reasons Writing is Harder Than it Looks

You are a perfectionist -  A perfectionist attitude can stifle your creativity and obstruct the flow of words making writing difficult. A perfectionist attitude comes from a fear of shame and judgment. 

You lack motivation -  Writing is a lifelong learning experience. You cannot give up, and every time you fail, you have to dredge up that last bit of strength and motivation to keep you going. 

You procrastinate -  Writing makes us expose our authentic, vulnerable selves to the world for scrutiny. So, we keep on postponing the actual act of putting our thoughts on paper while we go about our business. 

Organization -  Pre-writing exercises can help immensely. Different types of organizational tools work well for different students on different assignments.  

Mechanics of writing and style -  Experienced writers have a very solid understanding of voice, audience, rhetorical devices, and the various types of writing, like personal narrative and persuasive essays. 

You don’t practice -  To have a consistent flow to your writing, practice it for at least 30 minutes a day. Put a timer on if you want, and get down to write. 

You lack focus  - To write effortlessly, you must have a fair idea of what to write about. Extensive research would provide you with solid facts and make your writing easier. Unfocused lackluster efforts will get you nowhere. 

The dreaded writer’s block -  To have an easy time writing, be it an article for Medium or a presentation in your company, the best thing you can do is be calm and confident and have a comfortable, relaxed mind. 

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