8 Reasons Why You Need A Career Development 

It's the Greatest Return on Investment, Anywhere

The return on investing and improving yourself is astronomically higher than any financial investment you could make. From increased lifetime earning power and unimagined opportunities

You're the Boss of You

If you're the president and CEO of You Inc., then it's your job to ensure you don't go out of business. It's your job to nurture growth and prosperity.

You Become More Valuable

Draw up two balance sheets for yourself. On the first, list your financial assets and liabilities. On the second, list your skills, ideas, knowledge, marketability, personal networks, passion and ability to make things happen.

You Can Become Great

You are capable of greatness. Most of us settle for just getting by, using a fraction of our capabilities. This is tragic. Realize your greatness by identifying your talents and investing in your potential.

You Can Achieve Your Goals

Your career and life goals are far too important to be just wishes. A mismanaged career can derail your life goals.

Life Is Too Short for  Mediocrity

You don't have the luxury of being mediocre -- period. Whether you opt for self-improvement or outsourcing your weak areas to someone who can do them better, determine where you are mediocre and get help.

It's a Cliche, But on Your Deathbed

The reason we hear this often is that it is so true. The passage of time will provide a perspective we don't have now. One day, you'll look back at your problems and successes and see them as bumps in the road.

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