8 Memory Techniques For A Better Study Session 

Organize your space -  To improve your memory, you need to be able to focus, so make sure your space is clear of clutter and has all the materials you need for your study session. 

Visualize information -  New information goes into a new room. Open a drawer to find a chemical formula. Open a closet to find the names of the bones in the foot. 

Use acronyms and mementos -  Create patterns and words with from the information you need to remember. These tricks are especially useful to help remember lists and order information. 

Use Image-Name Union -  Recalling names can be easier by associating images and names in a clever, unique way. 

Use chaining techniques -  Create a story or sentence around a bit of information so that it can be more easily recalled. 

Learn by doing -  Using hand gestures and other movements can help you better remember information with muscle memory. 

Study in different places -  If you are having trouble remembering the material you are studying, try moving to a new spot to help the information stand out in your mind. 

Review Content -  Review the materials you studied a couple of days after your study session. Make a mental note of anything you have forgotten, and review those areas again. 

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