8 Important Lessons from the Harry Potter Books 

True friendship can get you through anything -  An unlikely trio to begin with, Harry, Ron and Hermione proved time and time again that real friendship forges an unbreakable bond. 

Bravery comes in many forms -  Harry had to summon up all his courage when he sought out Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, but that wasn’t the only kind of bravery we saw throughout the books. 

People can surprise you -  The old saying ‘never judge a book by its cover’ has been trotted out hundreds of times and yet all too often we don’t really appreciate its meaning. 

It’s okay to ask for help -  Harry was often loath to ask for help, even when he really needed it. Whether that was working out what a clue meant during the Triwizard Tournament, or tracking down a long-lost diadem, his first reaction was often to try and do things alone. 

Heartbreak is sometimes inevitable -  It’s sad but it’s true. Just as Harry and Cho, Lavender and Ron, and Lily and Snape showed us, some time things don’t work out the way we’d like them to. 

But true love lasts, always -  Love is a strong theme throughout the books; if you love someone completely it can never be undone. Lily’s love for Harry granted him protection and Snape’s love for Lily shaped his path after her death. 

Money isn't everything -  Harry may have inherited a whole vault of gold from his parents, but it couldn't buy him the thing he perhaps yearn for the most: the family that was lost to him. 

Face your fears -  However scary it may seem, sometimes we have to face our fears to get what we want. Poor Ron had to ‘follow the spiders’ to find the cure for Hermione after her run-in with the Basilisk and Harry had to deal with his terror of Dementors. 

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